Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What days/times are practices?

A: Practice days and times vary and are determined at the beginning of the season by team coaches.  Players should expect 1-2 practices per week lasting 1-1.5 hours each.

Q: Can my child be put on a team with a friend?

A: Yes, we can put players who are friends on the same team.  Please fill this out on your registration form.

Q: Can we request our coach for the upcoming season?

A: Yes, you can request your coach.  Please fill this out on your registration form. 

Q: We decided not to play this season.  Can we get a refund?  

A: Prior to the season starting, we can issue a refund for everything except the non-refundable $75 registration fee. 

Q: How can I get more involved in my child’s baseball season?

A: We are always looking for parent volunteers to coach, help coach or act as team parents.  Please sign up when you register your child for the season.  Throughout the season there will also be opportunities to help with tournaments, selling concessions and other fundraisers.